
the sexy 90s

pic courtesy of theyallhateus

90s fashion is back and if you were too young (or unborn) the first time around now is the time to enjoy it. In other words, everything looks good with high waist Levis shorts!

Find said shorts at the following retailers:
1. vintage shops in Toronto: 69 vintage, Penny Arcade, Public butter, Philistine etc.
2. Ask your mom, aunt, etc. or anyone else who is old enough and hasn't cleaned out their closet in a while.
3. For a shiny brand new pair you can also try the :Levi's outlet. 1250 South Service, Mississauga, (905) 271-6767

For inspiration, I find myself going back to the icons of my 8 year old self. Kelly circa Married with Children is a big one.
image courtesy of googleimage